*추가 예매의 경우, 카드 결제만 가능하며 취소가 불가합니다.
*장소 공지의 경우 금일 12시 전으로 예매자에 한해 메일로 발송될 예정입니다.
※본 이벤트는 2003년생부터 예매 가능하며,
이후 출생자(미성년자)는 예매 및 입장이 제한되오니 구매 시 참고 부탁드립니다.
※미성년자의 경우 자동 취소 되며, 구매가 되더라도 현장에서 구매자 신분증 확인 시,
미성년자의 경우 입장이 제한되오니 구매 시 참고 부탁드립니다.
※회당 30명 정원입니다. (정원 마감 시 자동으로 판매 종료됩니다.)
입장 시 [상품 구매 내역(주문번호) + 구매자 신분증 (주민등록증/운전면허증/여권)]을 필히 지참하셔야 공연 입장이 가능합니다.
(예매자가 가족일 경우, 가족관계증명서 + 수령자 신분증 지참 필수)
- In the case of international shipping, it differs depending on the type of product, weight (including box weight), and quantity.
- Please note that the delivery date of this product may take 5 ~ 10 business days after your order and it may take more time due to the nature of international shipping.
- Since it proceeds to delivery immediately after payment, if you want to exchange or cancel before delivery, please contact the seller.
- Duties and taxes are the responsibility of the recipient and the company is not responsible. In this regard, costs such as shipping fees will be deducted from the refund amount.
Please proceed after contacting our customer center for cancellation, exchange, or return made after your payment.
- For exchange, and return due to customer’s change of mind, the customer must pay shipping.
(Except for defect of product and delivery error)
- However, please note that in the following cases, it will not be returned or exchanged even within 7 days after receipt of the item.
* If the value of the product is damaged due to removal of product tag, opening and loss or damage of goods box.
* In the case of shoes, if they were worn outdoors or have signs of use.
* Handmade shoes of individual order made items (heel height, foot width, size change)
* Some of the special offer products cannot be exchanged or returned, so please refer to the product details of each product.
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